2019 New Year's Resolutions to Help You Learn a Skill Employers Are SeekingIt’s a new year with new goals to make and new opportunities to explore.  If you are stuck for a resolution this year, take a look at Inc.’s top ten list for ideas.  Finding a new job comes in at number 8, and if that appeals to you and your wallet, then you may be interested in what occupies the number 5 slot, since it can improve your odds while on the hunt.

Learning a new skill.

But what skill will help you best and cost you the least?  Consider one that employers are eagerly seeking according to recent LinkedIn data, one you can take with you to any job, one you can start honing through your English writing courses at MAC.


But wait—how can writing an essay about your favorite vacation spot and the ability to accurately insert commas into your sentences help you in the real world?

Those classes help because they aren’t just about this style of paper or that rule of writing.  They teach you the building blocks of effective communication, which in turn is an important component of persuasion.

That hook that kicks off your essay’s introduction?  That teaches you how to grab your audience’s attention long enough for them to listen to the main point you are making.  That pattern of introduction, body, and conclusion that underlies your essays?  That teaches you to structure your ideas so your audience can follow along with you.  That thesis statement that plagues you every time you put pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard?  You are learning to boil down your main point, so the audience can quickly grasp it and perhaps chew it over later.  Those seemingly endless rules of comma usage and parts of speech?  When punctuation is used properly and sentences are soundly structured, you add authority and professionalism to your points, not to mention you eliminate the confusion that loses audiences.

All of those techniques translate well from the classroom to your career.  They are there when you convince a customer to take a closer look at your company’s product line versus a rival company’s offerings.  They are there when you convince a colleague to help you out in a pinch.  They are there with you in the boss’s office when a promotion is on the line.  They are with you in every email, every blog post, every thank-you letter, and every proposal you compose.

Persuasion is a powerful tool that can take you far, and your English writing and composition classes can start you off on the right foot.  If you need help with your English homework, stop by the Learning Center for a session with a Writing Lab tutor.  You can learn more about our services by stopping by or booking an appointment.

Communication Skills Learned in College that Help You on the Job